Saturday, November 30, 2013

14I Health Center

The Granoff Student Health Center is located on the Southern Connecticut State University campus.  It is on Wintergreen Avenue near university residence halls and across the street from Moore Fieldhouse.  The academic year hours are Monday through Friday, 8 A.M. until 4:30 P.M.

The professional staff members at Southern are always available for medical needs with students, as well as making positive health care decisions.  They usually advise students to make appointments for all visits. Southern’s Granoff Student Health Services has a physician and nurses to help all students all year round.  There are HIV/STI counseling and testing held here also.  This was the first time I have been to Southern’s health center to obtain information and it was very helpful.  Now I know where to go if I am sick.

A common problem that college students face is getting sick with a common cold or the flu because germs spread easily through colleges.  Students touch a lot of different door knobs and buildings, and after they touch all these things they touch their nose and eyes, which spreads quickly into their system.This time of the year especially is when people tend to catch a cold.  Even the public restrooms may spread germs.  I am generally very healthy all of the time, but now know where I can get help if I do catch a cold.

14V Investment

The definition of Investment is the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or appreciation in value. When I think of the word investment, I think about putting my time into something and doing it in the correct way. For example if I have a major project due in a class I want to give myself a lot of time to do it. So I would be investing my time in it.

Two new words I learned this week:
1.     Motivation-the act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way.
2.     Referring- to direct for information or anything required

14B Giving Thanks

This semester I am thankful for so many things. It would take me a while to tell you all the things I am thankful for. So here are the main things I am thankful for this year.

The first thing I am thankful for this semester is my college education and Southern Connecticut State University. I originally did not plan on going to Southern. Southern was not my first choice for a college. It was my safety school. I basically applied to southern because they had communication disorders. Now that I have gone here for about 3 months now, I know why southern was and is the right choice for me. Southern has not only taught me information needed to complete courses, but it has also taught me about myself as a human being. I feel like a better person because of southern. I am so thankful for what I have learned and what I will learn my throughout my four years here.

Another thing I am thankful for is good health for me and for all of the members of my family. All of us in my family mainly me, my mom and my grandpa have some sort of health issue. My mom and I both have asthma and my grandpa has a leaky heart valve. This time last year we almost lost my grandpa because he had to have major surgery on his eye and during the surgery his heart stopped. Since then he has been healthy as a horse. My mom and I both have never had asthma attacks of any sorts. I am thankful that both of us can enjoy what we do in life even though we have asthma.

Lastly I am thankful for my family, friends and all of the amazing people I have met so far at Southern. I have met amazing girls on my floor who I feel I can call my best friends for life. The girls on my floor are like my sisters. We have only been living on the same floor for about 3 months now but we are all so close. Everyone in our building is amazed how many of us hang out together in our common room each night to watch tv and do homework. We are all there to support each other. My family I am thankful for because they are always there for me. I miss them when I am at school but I know that I always have them to go home too.

I am thankful for so many more things. So many more things I can’t even explain without this post being a million pages long. I am thankful for my life that I have right now!

14A Thanksgiving Break

I am currently writing this blog post, post thanksgiving. I did everything I needed to do to relax and have an amazing break with my friends and family. On Tuesday when I arrived home I was able to have a nice home cooked meal. Home cooked meals is something I really miss having while at college. I personally do not enjoy all conn hall has to offer; so coming home to good food was an amazing start to my week off.

Wednesday at around 11 I went back to my high school to visit all of my teachers. I went to Fairfield Warde High School which is one of the two public high schools in Fairfield, CT. Going back was a very “weird” experience for me. All of senior year we my friends and I wanted to get the heck out of high school and the heck out of Fairfield. Going back and seeing all of my friends that were still there actually made me miss high school a bit. I never thought that would actually happen seeing as I love college a lot more than I ever loved high school.

Thursday was THANKGIVING!!!! I love thanksgiving so much. There’s amazing food and always have an amazing time with my family. Last year we spent thanksgiving in the CCU with my grandpa at Yale new haven hospital. He ruptured the globe of his eye and then his heart stopped. So this year we were able to have a great thanksgiving dinner with my grandpa and my aunts at my house. This year I actually cooked thanksgiving dinner all by myself. I got up at 8 am and I put the turkey in the oven. Preparing thanksgiving dinner was a challenge for me but I had a lot of fun doing it.

That night I went black Friday shopping with my friends Kaitlin, Becca and Destiny. It was my very first time going shopping on black Friday. I had a lot of fun but it was a very tiring experience. I did not get back to my friend destiny’s house until about 5:30 in the morning. I found some amazing clothes for really good deals so in the end not getting enough sleep was worth it.

This thanksgiving break was one of the best I’ve ever had!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

13I Registration

This past monday morning I had my first experience with registration. This was the most stressful thing I have done while at college so far. I had to wake up at 5:45 in the morning only to find that the system would't even let me log in. Finally at 6:10 I was able to get in and register for my classes. I was unable to get all of the classes I wanted to sign up for. But luckily for me I was able to sign up for 3 out of the 5 classes I wanted to at the times I wanted them.

The classes I am taking next semester are
MUS 110
GEO 100
PSY 100
MAT 100
ENG 112
MUS 102

Originally I did not plan on taking geography. I planned on taking history 110. But when I went to sign up for my classes all of the sections were taken so I decided since geography was a lecture why not sign up for it. Luckily I was able to get into that class which satisfied the same tier requirement that the history class would have.

13V Purpose

As I sit here and think about purpose I think about what my purpose in life is. I think what am I going to do with the rest of my life after I graduate from college. The definition of purpose is the reason why something is done or used. So now again thinking about this definition I wonder what my purpose in life really is. As of right now I want to be a speech pathologist and help those in the world with speech impediments. Manly people who are deaf. I like the idea of learning sign language also.

Two new words I have learned this week
liberal-believing that government should be active in supporting social and political change : relating to or supporting political liberalism

Chance-an opportunity to do something : an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done

Friday, November 22, 2013

13B Final Video Part 2 Creativity Is Key

I am a very creative person. So as I sit here thinking about what I want to do to make my video project there are many ideas running through my head. Yesterday while sitting in class there were ideas thrown around. The word music video popped into my head. I thought to myself I’ve made them before for other classes so why shouldn’t this video be hard to make.
I’ve decided I’m going to incorporate a music video somewhere into my video project. I don’t exactly know how but I want to have maybe like a preview of one that would happen. Since I’m also incorporating in a skit and some interviews I hope its not too much creativity.
I want this project not just to have college-level thinking. I want it to have college-level creativity too. There are so many things I can do to make this project a high school quality video. I don’t want to do that this time around. I feel like with my last video the only really creative thing in it was the bloopers at the very end of the video. Honestly for my midterm video I didn’t really think about what creative aspects I wanted in the video. I really just thought about getting it done and over with. I had so many other projects to do.
This time around I have a bit more time it seems to do what I need to do. I want to incorporate all of the things I have learned an experienced this semester so far. My topic is homesickness. There have been days, even though I live about a half an hour away, where I have called my mom on the phone or even skyped her because I miss being at home. I want to incorporate the feelings I have felt and show my audience how I have overcome an issue like this.